Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Best Online Resources to Review the Concepts of Physics

The Best Online Resources to Review the Concepts of Physics Online Physics Revision Resources ChaptersThe Most Noteworthy Applications to Acquire the Fundamentals of PhysicsBest Podcasts to Learn More About PhysicsInstrumental Tips to Successfully Revise Physics“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.”  -  Heidi-Hayes JacobsWe are currently living in the 21st century (in case you  were living under a rock and hadn't been advised), and our teaching and learning methods need to reflect this fact.Educators have the immense responsibility  of encouraging pupils to implement technology to acquire new academic concepts. We cannot be ignorant and continue to use archaic methods in the classroom; the youth of today seem to born with electronic devices in their hands and respond positively to e-learning.Websites, e-books, applications and podcasts can all be utilised in the classroom and afterwards to complete homework assignments.  Since we are living in the information age, the interne t has plenty of options to ensure student success in a wide variety of academic disciplines. However, the primary issue  seems to be the overabundance of educational alternatives making it challenging to find an option that suits your unique learning style.Have no fear Superprof is here!We have searched the internet far and wide to find the most highly recommended mobile phone applications and podcasts to master the fundamentals of physics inside and outside the classroom.And what would an article about reviewing physics be without some useful suggestions? Therefore, you guessed it, some additional tips from qualified experts about how to adequately consider the concepts of physics have been provided in this article to make the experience of studying physics something beneficial and enjoyable.There are a wide variety of educational applications available for download on the primary application stores that help individuals learn a new language, a foreign concept or more about an acad emic discipline.We will analyse some of the most highly recommended applications that are essential in grasping the basic concepts of physics.Online learning is not enough? Hire a  math and physics tutor.Khan AcademyThe Khan Academy is a non-profit organisation that seeks to instruct all interested ones about any academic discipline that may be of interest. Khan Academy's mobile app allows students to learn more about anything on the go.There are plenty of videos and articles that help students learn more about the basics of physics. There are also practise questions that include step by step hints to ensure success. The application even features offline access to valuable information about physics to keep learning while on your commute to work or school.The application is completely free, extremely educational, and highly recommended for students wanting to learn more about physics from all ages.  Pocket PhysicsA fantastic application to have at your disposal that purely focuses on learning more about physics. The app is 100% free and concentrates only on the key topics that are necessary to succeed.All critical concepts, equations and formulas of physics are included to help students refresh their knowledge after class or prepare for an upcoming examination.Considered by many as the best app about physics available on the Android market. Essential topics of the physical world include linear motion, force, gravity, waves, elasticity, electricity, thermodynamics and astronomy.Android users would be wise to use the Pockets Physics application daily to excel in physics throughout the school year. Remember small study periods every day are better than an afternoon of reviewing once a week.PhyWiz Physics- Physics SolverA helpful application to aid struggling students with their homework. There is step by step questions for over 30 physics topics such as forces, gravity and quantum physics to name a few.The application has a 4.6 out of 5 rating on the Google Play S tore and offers key features that users adore such as the ability to help solve problems quickly and logically, over 100 equations at your fingertips and the option to ask any physics question and get an answer instantly.High School PhysicsAre you in secondary school and needing help with physics? The solution is the High School Physics application that covers many essential topics offering simple definitions about concepts from the physical world.Some pupils claim that physics is too hard because there are too much maths used in physics. Therefore, the developers of the High School Physics application have thought about this concern and created a great tool that permits students to concentrate on physics without becoming discouraged by the heaping amount of mathematical equations.If you prefer to use physics revision books than applications, check out Superprof's article about the most highly recommended books to use when reviewing physics.Best Podcasts to Learn More About PhysicsP odcasts have helped everyday people learn more about academic concepts. (Source: pixabay)Podcasting has become increasingly popular in recent years; it is a free service that allows listeners to download audio files from podcasting websites to listen to them on their personal computers or digital audio players. The term is a combination of the words iPod and Broadcasting.Podcasting started to became readily used and relevant in 2004 and a wide variety of categories can be listened to such as arts, beauty, business, comedy, health, hobbies, music and education.  Podcasts are a fantastic tool for persons who want to learn new things on their commute to work, while taking a walk or while exercising.  To meet the demands of individuals interested in the basic concepts from the physical world, there have been various podcasts developed that touch on essential topics of physics. Without further ado, we will now consider some of the most highly recommended podcasts covering the fundamental s of physics.The Titanium Physicists PodcastDr Ben Tippett and his team believe that anyone can understand physics. Complex physical concepts are explained used fun metaphors, explanations and experiments.There are over 70 episodes that can be download and listened to at a time most convenient for you.Visit their website to subscribe and listen to there scientific podcasts on a regular basis.Khan Academy PhysicsA fantastic educational podcast that should be subscribed to immediately! There are 117 episodes available on the iTunes Podcasts store. Episodes usually last 9-10 minutes and discuss essential physics topics such as magnetism, fluids, motion, Newton's laws and thermodynamics.This well-developed podcast from Khan Academy is a perfect solution for students struggling with physics and have a tight schedule. A physics podcast a day keeps the bad grades away!Physics by Yale UniversityWant a taste of Ivy League education on your way to work? Look no further, the extremely informat ive physics podcast developed by Yale University features professors, lecturers and distinguished speakers discussing physics, quantum mechanics, and the mysteries of the universe.If an educational lecture in physics in American English doesn't bother you, there are six podcasts available on the iTunes Podcast store that range from eight to ten minutes in length. Physics topics such as dark energy and the force of light are reviewed by experts.Physics from the Imperial College LondonThe Imperial College London is a world-class university that delivers excellence in a wide variety of academic disciplines and physics is no different. Their physics podcast is informative and comes highly recommended.According to the iTunes Podcast Store, 79 podcasts are varied in length and perfect for reviewing some essential physics topics.Instrumental Tips to Successfully Revise PhysicsSince physics, along with chemistry and biology, is one of the most challenging academic disciplines studied by pup ils during secondary school and university, helpful tips are always welcomed with open arms to ensure success.To succeed in physics effective study strategies are needed.  Without further ado, the following are some of the most beneficial suggestions to revise physics and ace exams successfully:Think Conceptually:  the academic discipline is unlike other subjects such as history and language arts where memorisation is essential for  success. When studying physics, pupils need to use big-picture conceptually thinking. The basics need to be correctly understood before moving onto more complex concepts. Having a conceptual approach aids students to break down problems into simple steps. Remember, Rome was not built in a day; it was made brick by brick or stone by stone. The same is true with physics; working through the small steps will effectively help students to solve more massive physical problems,Have a Study Schedule:  turn your phone off, find a quiet place and avoid extrinsic d istractions. By finding a quiet area, studying physics will become more productive. If you're using a recommended site to review physics, make sure email notifications and other distracting things are turned off. Remember that scheduling a few minutes each day to review physics is essential for academic victory,Develop a Love for Maths:  it is proven that students excel on subjects they enjoy. Therefore, develop an appreciation for mathematics since it is a prerequisite for success in physics. Viewing mathematical equations as a painful chore will only make matters worse and discourage you from developing your maths skills. If you are having trouble motivating yourself in math class, hire a dynamic private tutor to cover the necessary basics of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.Reviewing physics does not have to be a traumatising experience. With the help of modern-day learning tools such as podcasts and applications, developing a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts of physics can be done triumphantly!

Friday, March 6, 2020

What To Do When Someone Steals Your Ideas - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What To Do When Someone Steals Your Ideas - Introvert Whisperer What To Do When Someone Steals Your Ideas What do you do when someone you know steals your ideas? I have previously outlined things you can do to either prevent idea theft or to ensure your ideas are public enough for others to realize where they came from, to begin with. But, let’s go to the next step with this problem. Let’s say you’ve done all the right things to give your ideas visibility but the “Idea Thief” has still taken your idea and ran with it. What do you do then? I believe you have the following choices: Ignore them. Doing nothing is easy in that you don’t have to take any action and may allow you to get over it faster. Let the person know that the idea came from you and then step back. This approach takes the assumption the other person may not be aware of what they did and may do the right thing once they know of their error. Let the person know and ask them to stop. Much more confrontational and risks getting ugly. This sort of approach can have lingering effects of all sorts that you may not want to deal with. Let the person know, ask them to stop and take the next step. Taking the next step could be escalating to some form of management or even an attorney. Not an option or choice: Waging a “war of words” in social media. You hear this all the time. It never turns out good so I note this only because you will never have the potential for a good outcome. As you go through this list, the level of personal investment â€" especially emotional â€" increases exponentially. I believe you pursue a response that is proportionate to the impact or damage (or potential damage) it does to you. In other words, just because it makes you angry, doesn’t mean that the impact to you is all that great. I also don’t think you brush it off simply because you avoid confrontation. This is a situation where you may need to muster the courage to stand up for yourself. This is one time where I think you have to clear your head, let the emotion die down and then try as best you can to make a rational decision. I’d suggest you consult with one of your more levelheaded friends to help you sort it out. The good news:   This doesn’t happen very often so you may never face it. I hope that is your situation but if it does, you’ll now know what to do. A good defense is a good offense. Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Finding a Site to Download the AutoCAD Program

Finding a Site to Download the AutoCAD Program Where to  Find  AutoCAD   ChaptersA Brief Description of AutoCADWhat Are Some of the Benefits of Using AutoCAD?Where to Find AutoCAD“This is a software-powered world.” â€" Satya Nadella  The days  of textbooks, libraries, and encyclopedias are long gone.  Software systems have revolutionised  how things are learnt and done?in the workplace, at home, and in education.  Famous software developers such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have made billions of US dollars developing modern-day systems that are used daily such as Facebook and Microsoft. Their inventions have made communication and access to knowledge more obtainable than ever before.  But what about technology and software systems in the workplace, has it really changed??  The developments in modern-day technology have skyrocketed since the 90s and employers and businesses have  welcomed the?efficiency of user-friendly software.  For professionals working in technical fields such as electricity, architecture, and graphic design a software system that was developed in the 80s is a  godsend.?  Which software is that??  AutoCAD. A computer-aided design software application that has been improved each year since its release in December 1982, AutoCAD has transformed the way technical projects are conducted.  In today’s article, we will briefly discuss  AutoCAD  and some of its features, such as rendering, prototyping, 3D modelling,  geometry sketch  creation,  and  building design.    AutoCAD  is  produced by  Autodesk, and users can create both 2D and 3D drawings that are used in construction and manufacturing.  AutoCAD is  compatible with both Microsoft and Mac products.  AutoCAD is  utilised  in the  mechanical, telecom, civil, and architectural engineering  fields. It is a  specialized piece of  software  and requires  time to  learn.  AutoCAD is used and  appreciated by professionals  to increase overall productivity, to improve the quality of the design, to create a database for manufacturing, and to improve communicatio n through documentation.  Before this software came into existence, engineers used drafters and sheets to draw designs of a product which was very time consuming, and to make matters worse, if the drawer or designer messed up and drafted a blueprint that was unsatisfactory to the client,  they had to start again from scratch.  Blueprints  to manufacture  engine valves and engine parts  are some of the most common?things created with AutoCAD. The fact that  AutoCAD  can be easily accessed from one portable computer to another makes it easier for all members of the design team to review or fix any potential issues before the manufacturing and assembling  process.  What Are Some of the Benefits of Using AutoCAD?Since there are pros and cons to everything in life, the following are some of the benefits of using AutoCAD in daily life:Users can create an impressively accurate CAD drawing or design;  The plans and drawings can be either in 2D or 3D format and can be rotated to get a better view of the finished product;  Other indispensable computer programs or software can be linked and used simultaneously to design and draw on the AutoCAD system;  AutoCAD  has introduced  features  to create, edit, and adjust  3D designs and 3D models  before the printing process;  Are you a designer looking to create your next masterpiece? Look no further because the AutoCAD program helps those working in the fashion industry with the design process when creating new  jewellery, dresses, or other top fashion sketches that will rule the runways come fashion week in the fall;  Architects love using the AutoCAD software to design, plan, execute, and test the strength of a building before the construction phase has started; highly recommended for budding architects looking to acquire  and complete the best building designs available in the world of architecture;  Industrial engineers face  pressure to design  objects that reduce manufacturing costs.  AutoCAD  accomplishes this task by replacing the long hours of manual designing. Also,  AutoCAD  allows  industrial engineers  to  thoroughly  analyse  sketches and troubleshoot potential issues before production.  When using AutoCAD software, users will praise its overall efficiency and practicality; before its utilisation, regular tasks were far more complicated.But, where does one find AutoCAD software for download?  Where to Find AutoCADAutoCAD software can be downloaded on Windows or Mac. (Source: Unsplash)While there are many different online resources that offer the AutoCAD software, the following are the best and help users start drafting and drawing ASAP:  Autodesk (UK):?Subscribe for a 3-year term and save 10% on AutoCAD.  Click here to purchase.  Autodesk (Australia):?Subscribe for a 3-year term and save 10% on AutoCAD.  Click here to purchase.Easy as pie, effectively setting up an account and downloading the AutoCAD software is a brilliant idea for professionals working in technical fields.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Volunteering at Pimlico Academy - Jessicas Story

Volunteering at Pimlico Academy - Jessica's Story I noticed tutor training being advertised on Tutorfair’s website, and as I wanted to gain more experience within the English school system I decided to attend the event. The training day was a full 8 hour long day. I learnt lots of different things throughout the day, but my main takeaways were the session on how to organize a lesson, and advice on the what to do if there was a case of child abuse, how to spot it, and my role as a childcare protector â€" which is different to the Spanish Education system. After I sorted out my DBS, I started at Pimlico Academy at the end of November, volunteering as a Spanish teaching assistant. I was warmly welcomed into the class as they were thankful to have some extra help, especially as I am Spanish! I soon grew very close to my students, I recognized where they were struggling and I helped push them to try their best as I could see their potential. The class teacher asked me to focus on helping the class improve fluency when speaking Spanish. A few of the students were a bit anxious at the beginning, I often heard “But I can’t speak Spanish” “I’m no good at Spanish!” when I heard this I told those students “I understand what you are going through as it’s hard for me too! I’m still learning English and picking up new things every day. It just takes time and lots of practice.” As I empathized with my students, and related to their daunting experience, it encouraged them to take more risks and they began speaking with more fluency. If they didn’t know a particular word or got a bit stuck, they knew they could just ask me! There was a particular student who caught my attention. She never wanted to participate in lessons and often complained of having a headache. I recognized that she was just feeling unsure of herself and her ability. I soon won her over, her confidence grew and she now actively takes part in Spanish lessons and looks as though she is enjoying herself. Another of my students confided that although she was great at Spanish last year, she felt as though she had forgotten everything over the summer and felt behind. With this little bit of one on one time in class, I was able to refresh her knowledge and get her up to speed. In my opinion her level is now much higher than the previous year. Most of the questions I was asked were based around vocabulary and grammar, and for this reason I tried to teach them lots of new verbs and new words in a fun and easy way! The Tutorfair volunteer experience was well worth while. I learnt more about the British school system, and I have walked away feeling more confident about my ability as a teacher and my teaching style. If you take part in the volunteer program you’ll receive an observation when teaching. Thanks to Felicity (my observer) who pointed out a few areas in which I could improve. Her advice has been invaluable to me, especially as I am just starting my career. The school and class teachers really appreciate the help I offered. They recognize how valuable it is for their students to be able to ask questions in class without holding up the rest of their peers. By Christmas I felt as though my class and I had developed a really close relationship. I am sure our bond will only grow stronger as we all get to know each other more over the next term. I really enjoy volunteering at Pimlico Academy, my favorite moment with my students was when they asked me where I had bought my jumper (which features a little dog on the front!). Even though this was a brief and possibly a trivial moment, it is these instances when you feel accepted and it showed me that they were interested in me as a person not just seeing me as their teaching assistant.

Chicago Math Tutoring Program Delivers Big Changes

Chicago Math Tutoring Program Delivers Big Changes Chicago Math Tutoring Program Delivers Big Changes Chicago Math Tutoring Program Delivers Big Changes March 23, 2015 At Edwin G. Foreman High School in Chicago earlier this year, Avery Huberts watched as Christophir Rangel and Iann Trigveros worked on a math problem. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini for The New York Times If you have ever questioned whether individualized, intensive tutoring and positive relationships can make a difference, Match Educations ground-breaking program in Chicago is more proof that its absolutely possible. A column in The New York Times spotlighted some of the incredible results achieved by the math program for 1,300 students in 12 public high schools. Developed by Match Education in Boston, which seeks to correct the “mismatch” in academic preparedness common among minority students in impoverished areas, the program provides two-on-one math tutoring for hour-long sessions every day. In the first year, on average, students who received Match tutoring and mentoring increased their math learning gains by 1 to 2 years more than the control group, and their test scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress math exam reduced the black-white test score gap by a third. Furthermore, the tutoring also reduced math course failure rates by 50%, and overall course failure rates by 25%. By helping students in math every day, tutors are building students confidence so they are less likely to fail other classes or drop out of school, and also less likely to be arrested for violent crimes. According to the programs executive director Barbara Algarin, These students can make remarkable progress when they appreciate that their tutor is in their corner. The math connection leads to better study skills and a love of learning. Grades improve across the board. This column cites an issue that both HEART and Match address: It is difficult for teachers alone to provide the amount of individualized attention needed by students who are performing multiple years below grade level in math. Teachers must go back and re-teach a variety of critical math skills that were missed in previous years before their students can comprehend grade-level content. “Just a few years of this type of intervention could bring almost all students up to grade level,” said Jens Ludwig, a professor of social service administration at the University of Chicago and the director of its Crime Lab, in the New York Times report. “By then they can benefit from what’s being taught in regular classes and have real hope for a high school diploma.” This column also states that “American parents spend $7 billion annually on tutoring, in some cases as much as $400 an hour.” Match offers a relatively cheap solution: tutors earn $16,000 per year. To Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who plans to expand the program, the lesson is plain. “What this shows is, don’t ever throw the towel in on the kids,” the mayor said.

Research Tips for High Schoolers

Research Tips for High Schoolers Notes from a 21st Century Librarian: How to do Research As a high school student, you are required to do a great deal of research. This trend will only continue when you enter your first year of college. Each generation has been responsible for finding information, facts, and appropriate sources; however, the 21st-century has made research both easier and more difficult. Today’s students can easily ask their iPad a question and receive an answer almost instantaneously. Nearly everything can be Googled, putting important information at your fingertips. Students of yesteryear had to actually drive to a library, look up the name of a particular book and take it home for up to a week. Libraries are still a very important part of modern literacy and research, however most students use a virtual library for academic assignments (READ: Best Libraries in South Orange County For Studying).                   Many of your teachers and tutors went to high school prior to the advent of todays technological convenience. In a way, this puts them at a great advantage. People who learned how to do research the old fashioned way also learned which sources were valid and which were not. They grew along with the power of the Internet and can utilize it today while easily figuring out which answers are legitimate and well-documented and which sources should be entirely ignored. Although todays students have the advantage of these wonderful technologies, it’s important to know how to do research in a 21st-century virtual library (READ: The Students Guide to Study Breaks). 1.   Look for the lock symbol on websites Some websites have been legitimized and approved to display a neon green lock symbol. Students should strive to use sources and conduct research on these sites. Of course, there are some perfectly valid and useful sites that students can use that do not contain this symbol. It’s important to work with a teacher or tutor to learn how to find appropriate sources prior to leaving for college. 2. Look for the HTTP:// Websites that have the HTTP:// at the beginning of the website are usually valid in some respect.   Most of us dont look for these series of characters anymore but it’s important to check if theyre there. Remember, just about anybody can put just about anything on the Internet and so it’s important to think about what you should be researching and what is simply a distraction. 3. Balance your sources When studying current events or the news, it is important to show both sides of the story. Very few current events sources are completely unbiased. They are written by human beings after all. If you are studying a controversial topic, make sure to research and cite sources from both ends of the spectrum. Of course, you can (and should) form your own opinion but it’s crucial to demonstrate that you researched both sides before forming the opinion that you hold. 4. Show adequate support for your argument If you are doing online research for an argumentative essay, it’s important to cite several different sources in order to demonstrate that your research is comprehensive and complete. For example, if you have cited three articles but they are all from the same source, (PBS, NBC News, etc…) you are really only citing three subsets of one larger source. Research students are graded heavily on their ability to appropriately support their argument. Without adequate support the thesis remains a stated claim. 5. Do not rely on another’s work Remember, anybody can put anything on the Internet. Teachers, students, researchers, professors, editors, writers and scholars all post information to the Internet. It’s never a good idea to rely on somebodys work unless they have third-party recognition. Third-party recognition means that the information has been fact checked, edited, and published by a respected source (READ: A Letter to My High School Self). Anything else is simply somebodys opinion and may or may not be historically correct, well researched, or edited for content. Always do your own research and form your own opinion even if you find easy information online.   Youll be happy later that you did. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at info@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

How to prepare for your SATs

How to prepare for your SATs A revision timetable helps students and their tutors plan out what topics they will revise and when. SATs and GCSEs place similar demands on students in terms of revision because they involve the study of a number of subjects. Within each subject, there are a number of topics, which means there's a lot of ground for students and their private tutors to cover between now and exam time. Here are our top tips for creating an efficient revision timetable for SATs: 1) Write a list of each subject that will be tested within your upcoming SATs. Underneath each subject, write down each topic that will be covered in the exam. Your teachers should be able to tell you which topics you are likely to be tested on; if you are unsure, do check with them. 2) Next to each topic, write a 1, 2 or 3. A number 1 is for topics that you know really well and feel confident in at this stage. A 2 is for topics that need a bit of work. A 3 is for topics that you need to do some serious work on. In your timetable, you'll devote 15 minutes to your number 1s, 25 minutes to your number 2s and 35 minutes to your number 3s. 3) Create your timetable, making sure that you've got a good mix of subjects and topics to study each day, with evenly spaced out breaks occurring at sensible points. You might put your favourite topics at the start and end of each day so that you feel positive and motivated when you begin and finish your work.