Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Best Online Resources to Review the Concepts of Physics

The Best Online Resources to Review the Concepts of Physics Online Physics Revision Resources ChaptersThe Most Noteworthy Applications to Acquire the Fundamentals of PhysicsBest Podcasts to Learn More About PhysicsInstrumental Tips to Successfully Revise Physics“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.”  -  Heidi-Hayes JacobsWe are currently living in the 21st century (in case you  were living under a rock and hadn't been advised), and our teaching and learning methods need to reflect this fact.Educators have the immense responsibility  of encouraging pupils to implement technology to acquire new academic concepts. We cannot be ignorant and continue to use archaic methods in the classroom; the youth of today seem to born with electronic devices in their hands and respond positively to e-learning.Websites, e-books, applications and podcasts can all be utilised in the classroom and afterwards to complete homework assignments.  Since we are living in the information age, the interne t has plenty of options to ensure student success in a wide variety of academic disciplines. However, the primary issue  seems to be the overabundance of educational alternatives making it challenging to find an option that suits your unique learning style.Have no fear Superprof is here!We have searched the internet far and wide to find the most highly recommended mobile phone applications and podcasts to master the fundamentals of physics inside and outside the classroom.And what would an article about reviewing physics be without some useful suggestions? Therefore, you guessed it, some additional tips from qualified experts about how to adequately consider the concepts of physics have been provided in this article to make the experience of studying physics something beneficial and enjoyable.There are a wide variety of educational applications available for download on the primary application stores that help individuals learn a new language, a foreign concept or more about an acad emic discipline.We will analyse some of the most highly recommended applications that are essential in grasping the basic concepts of physics.Online learning is not enough? Hire a  math and physics tutor.Khan AcademyThe Khan Academy is a non-profit organisation that seeks to instruct all interested ones about any academic discipline that may be of interest. Khan Academy's mobile app allows students to learn more about anything on the go.There are plenty of videos and articles that help students learn more about the basics of physics. There are also practise questions that include step by step hints to ensure success. The application even features offline access to valuable information about physics to keep learning while on your commute to work or school.The application is completely free, extremely educational, and highly recommended for students wanting to learn more about physics from all ages.  Pocket PhysicsA fantastic application to have at your disposal that purely focuses on learning more about physics. The app is 100% free and concentrates only on the key topics that are necessary to succeed.All critical concepts, equations and formulas of physics are included to help students refresh their knowledge after class or prepare for an upcoming examination.Considered by many as the best app about physics available on the Android market. Essential topics of the physical world include linear motion, force, gravity, waves, elasticity, electricity, thermodynamics and astronomy.Android users would be wise to use the Pockets Physics application daily to excel in physics throughout the school year. Remember small study periods every day are better than an afternoon of reviewing once a week.PhyWiz Physics- Physics SolverA helpful application to aid struggling students with their homework. There is step by step questions for over 30 physics topics such as forces, gravity and quantum physics to name a few.The application has a 4.6 out of 5 rating on the Google Play S tore and offers key features that users adore such as the ability to help solve problems quickly and logically, over 100 equations at your fingertips and the option to ask any physics question and get an answer instantly.High School PhysicsAre you in secondary school and needing help with physics? The solution is the High School Physics application that covers many essential topics offering simple definitions about concepts from the physical world.Some pupils claim that physics is too hard because there are too much maths used in physics. Therefore, the developers of the High School Physics application have thought about this concern and created a great tool that permits students to concentrate on physics without becoming discouraged by the heaping amount of mathematical equations.If you prefer to use physics revision books than applications, check out Superprof's article about the most highly recommended books to use when reviewing physics.Best Podcasts to Learn More About PhysicsP odcasts have helped everyday people learn more about academic concepts. (Source: pixabay)Podcasting has become increasingly popular in recent years; it is a free service that allows listeners to download audio files from podcasting websites to listen to them on their personal computers or digital audio players. The term is a combination of the words iPod and Broadcasting.Podcasting started to became readily used and relevant in 2004 and a wide variety of categories can be listened to such as arts, beauty, business, comedy, health, hobbies, music and education.  Podcasts are a fantastic tool for persons who want to learn new things on their commute to work, while taking a walk or while exercising.  To meet the demands of individuals interested in the basic concepts from the physical world, there have been various podcasts developed that touch on essential topics of physics. Without further ado, we will now consider some of the most highly recommended podcasts covering the fundamental s of physics.The Titanium Physicists PodcastDr Ben Tippett and his team believe that anyone can understand physics. Complex physical concepts are explained used fun metaphors, explanations and experiments.There are over 70 episodes that can be download and listened to at a time most convenient for you.Visit their website to subscribe and listen to there scientific podcasts on a regular basis.Khan Academy PhysicsA fantastic educational podcast that should be subscribed to immediately! There are 117 episodes available on the iTunes Podcasts store. Episodes usually last 9-10 minutes and discuss essential physics topics such as magnetism, fluids, motion, Newton's laws and thermodynamics.This well-developed podcast from Khan Academy is a perfect solution for students struggling with physics and have a tight schedule. A physics podcast a day keeps the bad grades away!Physics by Yale UniversityWant a taste of Ivy League education on your way to work? Look no further, the extremely informat ive physics podcast developed by Yale University features professors, lecturers and distinguished speakers discussing physics, quantum mechanics, and the mysteries of the universe.If an educational lecture in physics in American English doesn't bother you, there are six podcasts available on the iTunes Podcast store that range from eight to ten minutes in length. Physics topics such as dark energy and the force of light are reviewed by experts.Physics from the Imperial College LondonThe Imperial College London is a world-class university that delivers excellence in a wide variety of academic disciplines and physics is no different. Their physics podcast is informative and comes highly recommended.According to the iTunes Podcast Store, 79 podcasts are varied in length and perfect for reviewing some essential physics topics.Instrumental Tips to Successfully Revise PhysicsSince physics, along with chemistry and biology, is one of the most challenging academic disciplines studied by pup ils during secondary school and university, helpful tips are always welcomed with open arms to ensure success.To succeed in physics effective study strategies are needed.  Without further ado, the following are some of the most beneficial suggestions to revise physics and ace exams successfully:Think Conceptually:  the academic discipline is unlike other subjects such as history and language arts where memorisation is essential for  success. When studying physics, pupils need to use big-picture conceptually thinking. The basics need to be correctly understood before moving onto more complex concepts. Having a conceptual approach aids students to break down problems into simple steps. Remember, Rome was not built in a day; it was made brick by brick or stone by stone. The same is true with physics; working through the small steps will effectively help students to solve more massive physical problems,Have a Study Schedule:  turn your phone off, find a quiet place and avoid extrinsic d istractions. By finding a quiet area, studying physics will become more productive. If you're using a recommended site to review physics, make sure email notifications and other distracting things are turned off. Remember that scheduling a few minutes each day to review physics is essential for academic victory,Develop a Love for Maths:  it is proven that students excel on subjects they enjoy. Therefore, develop an appreciation for mathematics since it is a prerequisite for success in physics. Viewing mathematical equations as a painful chore will only make matters worse and discourage you from developing your maths skills. If you are having trouble motivating yourself in math class, hire a dynamic private tutor to cover the necessary basics of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.Reviewing physics does not have to be a traumatising experience. With the help of modern-day learning tools such as podcasts and applications, developing a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts of physics can be done triumphantly!

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